Bristol, Rhode Island, Utility Project, 04-01-24
Pre Construction Video
Utility Project
Bristol, Rhodes Island
ALL PRO USA was contacted by the general contractor for this Utility Project in Bristol Rhode Island to document the pre construction conditions of roads, intersections, driveways, parking lots, curbs and sidewalks. Much of the work for this Utility Project was completed using a camera mounted to a full size SUV. Speed was kept to less than 10mph for safety as well as clarity and detail of the 4K video. Particular areas with more damage to the surface of the roads were shot at less than 5 mph for additional detail. Video equipment in the cab of the truck was used to monitor and control the camera movements. ALL PRO USA Construction Videographers use a two person team of camera operator and driver for safety. The truck is clearly marked for construction documentation and has multiple safety lights and strobes. ALL PRO USA team members are all OSHA-10 certified and always follow the rule of Safety First.
This pre construction video project consisted of multiple roads in Bristol Rhode Island. Many of the roads and sidewalks showed signs of deterioration and it was very important to document all of this with the best detail possible. This pre construction video project also had sidewalks that would possibly be impacted by the construction project. We used a gimbal mounted 4K video camera and walked all sidewalks on both sides of the road getting exceptional detail of all areas of concern. The weather conditions for this project was ideal with clear sun for most all of the two days that we were on site. ALL PRO USA uses state of the art cameras and have the the experience and knowledge to make sure the videos look great. The project specifications required the camera operator to include an audio narration describing the road conditions as the recording was taking place. This is something we do on all of our construction videos and we make sure we have good sound and content for the narration. As we are slowly driving on the roads the camera operator will mention potholes, cracks or other noticeable deficiencies. We utilized our drone for a couple of the areas on this project to capture aerial views of the job site for the contractor.
Once the documentation was completed and we made sure that the recording were up to our standard we called the project manager to let them know that the pre construction video was completed. We look to make sure the video is sharp and focused and bright and clear. At this point we also asked if there was anything additional that they needed documented for the job site. They did not need anything additional so the video production portion of this project was then completed. There have been times when the PM at this point would mention for us to get a lay down yard or something similar that was not included in the original scope. We are always happy to get it done as we want to do our absolute best for our customers. Once back at our editing studio we completed the project by checking the project info for accuracy of date of recording, direction of travel, project location and other important data. We then uploaded the videos and sent them to the Project Manager for approval. Once approved we then sent the USB Drives. ALL PRO USA takes great pride when we have repeat customers call us. Construction Videography is a crucial component for our customers and owners and it is important to make sure it is done on time and done right. ALL PRO USA provides professional pre construction video for Massachusetts and all of New England. Take time to view our extensive samples on our website
Construction Video
Across the state of Massachusetts, ALL PRO USA is the contractor's choice for Construction and Pre Construction Video and Photography including Road Videos, Aerial Drone Coverage and Progress Video of Worksites.We've recently completed projects in Boston, Foxboro and surrounding states like Connecticut.
Do you have a project that needs our services? Learn more by calling 412-373-9100, email us at or using our
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