Southfield, Michigan, Pre-Construction Video – December 2020

Southfield, Oakland County, Michigan
Pre Demolition Video Documentation
Pre Construction Video
December 2020

This project had ALL PRO USA head out to a town near Detroit called Southfield Michigan. The job that the contractor would be undertaking was upgrades to the West Service Reservoir. The contractor required us to document any pre existing conditions that we saw while working through the job site. Key items they asked us to document were road surfaces, curbs, sidewalks, culverts, storm drains, and man hole covers. We carefully planned how we would shoot the project to insure that we had captured all parts of the job site that the contractor needed. This particular project required us to on shoot video and did not require Construction Photography. The camera that was used for the documentation was a Nikon Z6 Mirrorless Camera. Safety is always a top priority for us here at ALL PRO USA, all members of the team in the field wore the appropriate high visibility vests and hats. We also had hard hats and safety googles packed in the truck should they become a necessity. 

MI Construction Video

Across Michigan, ALL PRO USA is the contractor's choice for Construction and Pre Construction Video and Photography including Road Videos, Aerial Drone Coverage and Progress Video of Worksites.

We've recently completed projects in Detroit, Bronson, St. Clair Shores and many others.

Do you have a project that needs our services? Learn more by calling 412-373-9100, email us at or using our
contact us page. We can be onsite quickly and will deliver outstanding results.

Since this project required us to document the road surfaces, we mounted the Nikon Z6 to the RAM 1500 truck and began the documentation. The team then traveled the roads at speeds under 5 miles per hour to capture the documentation that the contractor needed. The roads were captured in both directions of travel to ensure that when roads had multiple lanes that each one was captured and had a clear shot of the lane.

The camera is wired to controls inside the cab of the truck that allow the camera to be safely controlled from inside the vehicle. This allows for us to safely operate the camera and the vehicle so that we can capture the shot that we need for the contractor. This project did not require it, but at ALL PRO USA we do have the capabilities to capture documentation from the air. With our two FAA certified pilots we can capture your worksite from unique perspectives up to 400 feet above ground level. 

Once the documentation was completed by the team at the job site, it was time to return home and begin work on the editing of the project so that we can get it to the contractor in a timely manner. The video was edited to have the date in the top corner and with on screen titles to make it easier for the contractor to know exactly what part of the job site they were looking at.

Once the editing is completed we upload the edited clips to online hosting so that we can get the documentation to the contractor in near real time. We also copy the files to two USB flash drives and mail them to the contractor to provide them with physical copies to keep on hand should they need them.

Do you have a project that needs our services? Learn more by calling 412-373-9100, email us at or using our
contact us page. We can be onsite quickly and will deliver outstanding results.