Cheswick, Allegheny County, Pennsylvania, Pre Construction Video and Pre Construction Photo
Cheswick, Allegheny County, Pennsylvania
Video and Photo Documentation of Existing Conditions
Pre Construction Video Documentation and Pre Construction Photography
January 2022
ALL PRO USA shot a pre construction video project near Oakmont, Allegheny County, Pennsylvania. The project site was across the river and ran through the town of Cheswick. The contractor that requested our services need a site overview of where the work would be happening. The services that they were primarily interested in were our aerial videography and photography service. The name of this project was the Allegheny Valley Joint Sewage Authority Waste Water Treatment Plant and Conveyance Systems Upgrades. The contractor asked for clear documentation of the entire project site from an aerial perspective. They wanted us to document the pump stations and their surrounding areas as we made our way through the project site. Although we have ground level capabilities for this type of documentation that include handheld videography and photography as well as vehicle mounted cameras for road surface and sidewalk documentation this project was unique in the sense that it was completed using our aerial camera systems. The drone that we used for this was just added to our fleet. It is the Mavic 3 Cine. This project required us to utilize both Construction Video Documentation and Construction Photography Documentation.
Construction Video
Across the Pennsylvania, ALL PRO USA is the contractor's choice for Construction and Pre Construction Video and Photography including Road Videos, Aerial Drone Coverage and Progress Video of Worksites.We've recently completed projects in Erie, Allegheny County, Indiana and Johnstown PA.
Do you have a project that needs our services? Learn more by calling 412-373-9100, email us at or using our
contact us page. We can be onsite quickly and will deliver outstanding results.
The team met a member of the engineering team on site to ensure that the entire site was documented up to the standard and requirements that the company needed. The team members from ALL PRO were both certified by the FAA to operate SUAS for commercial work. The employees have completed the necessary testing and have aqcuired the Part 107 drone license from the FAA. While on the site the team excersied extreme safety protocols to ensure the safety of the team and the aircraft throughout the completion of the project.

When ALL PRO USA has to tackle any project that utilizes our drone and aerial camera systems we operate with very strict guidlines to ensure this safety. A few of the measures that we take include the following. First there is a two person team that works on this types of jobs. One of them is designated as the pilot for the aircraft. This half of the team is responsible for the operation of the aircraft. Proper pre fight tests are ran to make sure that the aircraft is operating properly and that no maintenace needs to be done before each flight during the documentaiton. Once the aircraft is in the air the other member of the team acts as a spotter for the aircraft. Their job is to scan the area and alert the pilot of any obstacles or other aircraft that need to be avoided. This helps the pilot focus on the controls for the aircraft while still keeping their own eyes on the surroundings as well. This two person approach ensures safe flight operations from start to finish.
Once the documentation of the site was completed we notify the contractors that the team has completed the documentation. At this point the team returns to the studio and begins the editing process. Video and photo files are copied and then backed up to prevent anything from the project being lost. ALL PRO USA uses prfessional editing software from Adobe to complete any edits that need made to the footage or the photos. We add titles to both photo and video to convey important information to the project to the viewer. This includes anything from the date, project name, location of the documentation or facing of the camera when required by the contractor.

The team then uses the plans or maps of the project site to properly name the individual files as they are exported from the software. This allows the contractor to easily identify what they are looking at in a particular shot. Video files are uploaded to a video hosting service called Vimeo and the Photos are hosted on Smugmug. This allows for viewing from anywhere for the contracor or whoever may need to view them. The contractor for the project is also mailed to USB drives that contain all of the documented areas for their own personal records.
For more information contact us by email at or call 412-373-9100.